
Nodes Of Yesod for the iPhone (and all iOS devices) is now available on the App Store!

Only US$0.99 / €0,79 for iPhone, iPod Touch

and all iOS devices.
Quick video look @ the game:

And a few screenshots taken from the game running on device:

Nodes Of Yesod: iPhone - main menu.

Nodes Of Yesod: iPhone - Astro Charlie seeks the Moon Mole.

Nodes Of Yesod: iPhone - Astro Charlie explores the moon in Classic Mode.

Nodes Of Yesod: iPhone - Astro Charlie in the sub-lunar caves.

Nodes Of Yesod: iPhone - Map System in Enhanced Mode.

Nodes Of Yesod: iPhone - Help System in Enhanced Mode.

Nodes Of Yesod: iPhone - Astro Charlie tries to sneak by some Moon Fish.

Only US$0.99 / €0,79 for iPhone, iPod Touch
and all iOS devices.